I’m Okay With This

I guess you can say I’ve fallen into the comparison trap this week. Yup – I did.

You know, when you see your friends making progress in life – albeit career, further education, relationships, and everything an adult is supposed to experience.

Then there are some people – still here.

Living at home, paying back student debt, helping at the local church, being laid off because of the pandemic, and single as a pringle.

I’ve cried, prayer, journaled, then prayed and looked out for God’s voice. Here’s what He said:

You’re exactly where I need you. Yes, your girlfriends and classmates are moving forward in life; what do you suppose I’m doing with you? I know where you had to work, I know of the conversations, meetings, workshops, social media followers you connected with for My glory. I know of the ‘adventures’ you want to go on, in the country and out.

I know you were close to burning out two weeks ago and I needed you to experience that – you’re exactly where I need you.

I know how you get when you don’t get your way; you turn to journaling, exercise, music and sometimes you just cry out to me when you are tested – I know it all too well.

Before you say anything, write it on paper, type your blogpost, or share on Instagram – I have the words for you to share with your readers.

“You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.”

Psalm 139:3, 4

So tell me now, why oh why do you feel the need to compare?!

Who gave you friends for every season?

Who provided for you when you ran out of rent and grocery money? Remember those peanut butter and cereal days?

Who helped you learn humility with your family? Who gave you the job opportunities you’ve prayed for?

Who’s preparing the next chapter for you?

Girl! I know you know the answer. So here’s what I want you do to…

Stay faithful to EVERYTHING I’ve called you to RIGHT NOW. Manage this precious time of rest to watch my seamstress ways while I continue weaving your story together.

Trust Me. Can you do that?

“Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart…”

Proverbs 3: 5, 6

So there it is. God’s voice loud and clear.

Comparison can break me for a moment, but God makes comparison so much smaller when I step back and let Him speak over my life.

The muted voice of others who have no idea I’m comparing myself to them has no business being unmuted.

So turn up the volume to God’s voice. Turn the dial and listen in.

I’m grateful I did.

-LifeisaBeaut ❀

4 thoughts on “I’m Okay With This

  1. Thank you so much for sharing sis!! I too fall into this comparison trap and my mom always tells me β€œ your time will come”! The Lord speaks sweet words through her. God bless your vulnerability πŸ’œπŸ™πŸΎ


    1. It’s a blessing to share snippet testimonies of how God is working in my life πŸ™‚ I’m happy you were blessed! Stay tuned for more! ❀


  2. I never knew a Pringle was single but now I know. I find my self in this space of comparison alot and in that time I think I prayed more for better financess, a job and a beautiful young lady to call Mrs. Chambers or worse I go out and try to do it all myself( not recommended) more than me praying that God aline me with the purpose he holds for me. I want to be ready for all of it but I more so want to be ready for the second coming so I will aline myself with that and everything else will follow by the grace of God.


    1. Bless your heart my friend. I’m here praying for ya! And YES! Single as a Pringle — I heard a friend say it and it stuck with me haha.


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